0407 705 875
Live te life you want to live



Take your Life to the next level. Open into your heart’s calling.

Manifest what you truly desire.

This is a 5 session program designed to identify areas of your life that you desire to change. We identify and refocus your challenges to create new specific outcomes to move you into a new path of fulfillment. We will look into every aspect of your life – personal, professional, mental, emotional, social, health and spiritual.

It is a powerful balance of personal exploration and discovery enhanced by specific kinesiology techniques.

Throughout each session I will utilise specific kinesiology techniques to increase brain plasticity, motivation levels and your ability to manifest what you truly desire. We work through old beliefs systems, emotions and energies that are creating stagnation in your body and life.

These tools are combined with coaching techniques and personal reflection to enable growth and development in any area of your life.

 The program will provide you with clarity, purpose and motivation. There will be no other option than to create positive change in your life. Based on a model of self responsibility and personal reflection, you will understand yourself on a deeper level, allowing the skills and breakthroughs to continue long after the ‘program’ is ‘complete’.



5 Sessions of 1.5hr duration: $ 750 paid in full at first session

Sessions are usually fortnightly (however we will discuss the best way to design the program for you)

Cost includes full journal of outcomes and assessments, home support via Skype, phone and/or email between sessions as required. Follow up meeting a month or so after the last session to chat and discuss next steps.

I have recently completed my Kinesiology Coaching program with Brett over 5 consecutive weeks. The program is challenging and also enlightening, making you think about what you really want, how you act, react and interact with life itself and how all of this impacts your journey.

Brett’s calm and wise counsel comes from a place of compassion, pushing you to search deeper to gain better understanding of yourself and your situation. In 5 short weeks I have traversed more life lessons and experiences than ever before. I have grown throughout all aspects of myself and I have no doubt in my ability to continue to grow towards and ultimately create my desired outcomes.

I am sure I will be back for more!

Anneke, Bribie Island